The Risks of Hiring on the Basis of Standardized IQ Tests
Most people are undoubtedly aware of the term IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, commonly used to describe level of intellect i.e., one’s ability to reason and understand abstract or academic matters in objective fashion. This IQ is derived through a series of standardized tests, with the results being expressed as an aggregate score; although the methodology for compiling this score may be foreign to a large majority of the population, it is generally accepted that people with higher scores will, or did, get better marks/grades in school versus their peers.

However, the IQ tests used in the context above place particular emphasis on mathematics, geometry, and physics, all viable and important subjects in their own right, but not typically applicable in everyday business environments; and there are numerous examples of people with a high IQ score who failed miserably in their jobs upon leaving academia.
The consequences of such a scenario can be quite severe from an employer’s perspective as well; it can/will have detrimental effects on employee turnover rates, recruiting and training budgets, and likely on overall productivity and team morale.
Identifying Candidates with the IQ to Solve Everyday Business Problems
In an effort to prevent these circumstances and their consequential effects, RightFit Plus has designed an IQ test that serves as an indicator of how well the individual reasons and solves problems, a vitally important facet to their success in the workplace.
The RightFit Plus IQ Test stresses common sense values rather than a score that reflects one’s proficiency in an academic setting; the results of these IQ tests will demonstrate the applicant’s ability in many critical business-related and problem-solving skill areas, such as:

Most companies do not need to hire people with advanced degrees in the fields of physics or mathematics but will always benefit by bringing individuals on board who have the ability to solve everyday business problems in a rational/objective and effective manner. The RightFit Plus IQ Test can assist employers in identifying those who possess such skills and mindset, thus leading to better hiring decisions and better overall employee retention.
A Key Indicator in Assessing Training and Development Needs
Sometimes, an employer or direct supervisor may have concerns about a current employee who is underperforming or struggling to keep pace in their respective role; in such cases, it is often determined that the employee should be provided with further or remedial training in order to improve their performance and remain on staff. Unfortunately, this training does not always produce the desired results, at a cost of those sessions and any lost productivity.
The RightFit Plus IQ Test can also be of value under these circumstances; administering the IQ test to that employee prior to committing to any formal training can help in determining one or more of the following:
The results of this IQ test would not only be beneficial to the employer but to the employee too, thus leading to a more compassionate decision regardless of the direction to be taken.
To learn more about the RightFit Plus IQ Test and its applications for prospective candidates as well as for current employees, call RightFit Plus at 1-888-604-4951 today or contact us to request a complimentary discussion with one of our experienced consultants.